They did it again and I'm pretty annoyed! I woke up this morning at 7:00 with a vengeance...kicking and screaming, but when Mom and Dad came in to get me out of my crib, I was all smiles. "No worry, I'll get them back," I thought to myself. They took me down to their bed to feed me and I guess they thought they could lull me back to sleep again for a lazy Saturday morning if I laid down with them....clueless! I ate, played enthusiastically, and then it happened. The triple threat! The toot-cough-projectile vomit reaction ALL AT ONCE! And on mom and all over their sheets! It was unreal...I didn't know I had it in me. I mean, the standard dual reaction sneeze-toot or the cough-toot is all a regular occurrence with me. Mom calls it multitasking...I call it mad skills! But to do all three things at once, that's God given talent my friend! I really outdid myself with this one...
This picture is from this morning after I got a bath. I'm wearing my Grandpa's blue corduroy baby outfit that he wore back in the 50's! Don't I look snazzy...and the retro look is all the rage right now, so I'll be wearing this outfit for the ladies. There is a chubby one at my daycare that I have my eye on...she's a looker!
Heston, how can anyone be upset with you with that sweet little smile!! Who needs sleep anyway, right?!!! I love your little outfit that your Grandpa wore when he was little. I`m sure it will draw attention from your little friend next time you wear it to daycare!! Your Mommie sure is smart to be posting your new blog with pictures and captions of you !! It is almost like we are there with you. I love you, Grammie
Well, Heston, you are really impressive!! Your "mad skills" of doing three things at once puts you right up there in the top ranks of talented boys! When you are older you can work on an impressive long and loud burp. Sean (your first cousin once removed) was really good at that. I'm learning so much about boys that I missed out on, having three daughters! You are just too cute, and I can't wait to put you on my lap and do my "This is the way the cowboys ride......"
Love, Nana B
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