We all know I love food. That's been established. Cheese especially. I can consume a block of cheese in the matter of milliseconds. It hardly hits my plate and it's already down the pie-hole. But you know what I like almost just as much???? Raspberries!!! They totally trump bananas and I never thought that would come out of my own mouth, because we all know how much I like those! And boy are raspberries messy, which makes them that much better...they're Mom's favorite fruit too and she says it's a total sacrifice to hand over these over-priced fruits to her little shnookie (me) and not get to eat them herself. Dad tries to eat them, but Mom fusses at him because there are only a precious few per over-priced container. I can go through one in an entire sitting, if she let me, but she makes me pace myself. So we tried to buy blueberries, another favorite, but they didn't have any at the store for the third week in a row...so Mom thought we'd try these and now they will be a weekly must have on the shopping list. Mandarin oranges are also fantastic and I go nuts when mom opens the container before she feeds them to me... I've had no allergies or reactions to worry about from oranges, so Mom gave me the green light. Shovel it in, lady!
I also got to eat part of a cheese spud with real bacon from McAllister's this past weekend. BACON IS THE BOMB!!! Mom hasn't let me have meat until recently, and boy was it worth the wait! I'm also a pretty big fan of pot roast, which I tried for the first time this week too (Thanks Grammie). I can't wait to sink my teeth into a piece of steak, like a rib eye...or a New York Strip...or a Filet Mignon...or a Porterhouse...Mmmmmm....
Food is a big part of my day, as I'm sure you noticed...and I'm proud to say that I'm weighing a healthy and stout 22 L-B's (and some change, but Mom forgot how much). All my hearty eating is paying off.
On another subject, I'm mighty active these days. The food is fueling all my energy! I can crawl faster than a speeding bullet. I'm standing on my own every opportunity I get. I'm getting into everything at the house and I keep my parents on their toes! I'm talking a lot...trying to say doggie, Bella, and Bianca (See my new greyhound bib from Grammie!)...and I'm getting really good at my dance moves. I'm also waving at every stranger I pass when I'm out shopping. I get a lot of reactions out of that one. In fact, Mom and I went shopping a few days ago and a man who worked at a furniture shop thought I was so precious, he gave me the teddy bear in the store display! Now that's the power of cute!
We are all aware of your "power of cuteness"! Keep it up big man!
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