Mr. Groundhog, we need to have a little chat, you and I. I must say I’m not too happy. Must you really demand
6 more weeks of winter??? I’m tired of the cold…tired of snotty noses and the colds that come with it…tired of not being able to cruise around outdoors in my pimp stroller without freezing my cheeks off…tired of those crazy greyhounds being hyperactive because they won’t go outside and burn their energy because they freeze into 'pupsicles'…and tired of my Mom bundling me up like the Stay-Puft Marshmallow Man every time we take a trip to the car. Enough with the cold weather…BRING ON THE SPRING SUNSHINE! I’m ready to sport my muscle tanks and flip flops, like Matthew McConaughey, for the ladies…
...but I do like your style, Mr. Groundhog...man are you one big dude...You're chubbier than I am...and that's saying alot...I bet the other rodents and ground dwellers don't mess with you!
We did a reshoot of my photos this weekend, despite the fact that Mom and Dad were still recovering from their colds. The pictures are going to be awesome (even though Mom says she LOOKS like the Stay-Puft Marshmallow Man in the pictures). Check out
Sneak Peak of Heston… and the adorable proofs from our
first session!
A very
HAPPY 32nd BIRTHDAY to my old Man!!! I'll be sure to make it extra special and wake hourly tonight to give you birthday kisses...
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