As usual, I was the celebrity baby everywhere we went…Mom and Dad got a lot of comments from strangers on how they’ve never seen a baby smile at strangers unprompted before! I was pretty happy this weekend, and why wouldn’t I be? I was on vacation, living the good life! We spent most of the time relaxing, going to Souvenir City to buy me stuff, shopping at the Outlet Mall to buy me stuff, and eating. We went to my parents favorite restaurants in the area, The Original Oyster House (twice) and The Crab Trap and I got to eat fresh peas, fresh cut up green beans, baked potatoes with a little cheese, and best of all, cheesy grits, which I’ve never had before! Man, did I eat those up! Cheesy grits rocked the house…I guess you could say I’m a true Southern Boy, because I can do some damage to a bowl of them! (Mom read that I need to have some cheese in my diet at this point, so she worked hard to make sure that I got some!) I also ate tons of fresh mashed bananas, fresh mashed avocado, organic applesauce, etc. this weekend... No jarred baby food for me, which was a welcome change...if I see another jar of sweet potatoes or squash, I’m going to go off on my Mom! But Mom realized that I’m much like my Dad…if I have good food to eat and eat on a schedule, I’m a happy camper…
I was once again the perfect travel baby…no car meltdowns or anything…I slept the ENTIRE way to the beach and only required one milk-stop on the way back and I slept the rest of the way. This could mean more car trips to come in the near future!
***Everyone say a little prayer for my Aunt Alison today, who had her third invitro egg transfer this morning. She's had a difficult time trying to get pregnant (2 miscarriages with the first two IVF's) and we hope and pray that the third time is a charm!
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