So I thought everyone would be happy to know that I DID poop today! Mom was on poop patrol all morning, checking my diaper every time she got a whiff of something funky. But it never happened...It was just toots! So Mom called the doctor worried because
I hadn't pooped since Saturday. She followed the doc's instructions and bought apple juice and pedialyte (to help me poop) and it was all a waste of time because I took care of my biz before she had time to give it to me. Aunt Lara, Grammie, and Papa babysat me while Mom got her hair done and when she came home...Ta Da! I had already done the deed! Mom praised me for a job well done and we danced around a little to celebrate. Boy, was my diaper a bad one and as Grammie might say, 'The flood gates opened!' I thought it would be special to save it for when Aunt Lara was around to help change me...She came all the way from Texas for the holidays and I had to give her an experience to remember when she goes back to school!
Since tomorrow is my first Thanksgiving, I would like to take this opportunity to think about all of my many blessings and I'm so appreciative of all that I have, my loved ones, and my health. I'm also very thankful that I pooped today, because man, that would be rough going another day feeling miserable and especially on Thanksgiving!
I hope everyone has a happy Turkey Day tomorrow! Gobble Gobble
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